Donald & Terena’s Payson AZ Backyard Wedding


June 18, 2020

Date Posted:

Donald and Terena were married in a sweet family centered backyard wedding in Payson, AZ. This wedding was a full on family affair with the decorations, flowers, centerpieces, hair, makeup, and meal provided by family and friends of the bride and groom.

It really was amazing to see the two families come together to create such a beautiful and memorable day for Donald and Terena.

Payson, AZ Backyard Wedding: Prep

This arch was beautiful! Her sisters decorated it so elegantly, so of course I had to grab some dress shots there.

Terena’s sister Abby did all the flowers and put the final touches on the wedding bouquet just before the ceremony so it was fresh and beautiful!

Terena’s sisters and Mom all helped to get her ready, each taking a few turns with the buttons, the shoes, the belt, the makeup, and the hair. She was doted on and loved on all morning, and it was sweet to get to watch the interactions.

Payson, AZ Backyard Wedding Ceremony

Terena’s father is the Bishop of their church congregation, so he was the officiant of the ceremony. It was really special to see him perform the ceremony and to see the emotion on his face.

Bride & Groom Portraits

Lunch and Games

These lunch boxes were the best idea!! Everyone had a box with their name on it with the cutest packed lunch ready for them. Consequently lunch was cute, fun, easy, and SO YUMMY!

The table centerpieces were put together by Terena’s younger brother. “When a pandemic hits, you do what you have on hand for centerpieces!” her Mom explained. I loved it! The entire family was involved in the whole process and it was fabulous!

Terena’s sister Rachel made a beautiful cherry pie for the couple. I’m always partial to a wedding pie! This really was such a cute personalization for their wedding day. In the lunch boxes, everyone had their own mini personal cherry pie to go along with the couple’s wedding pie.

Terena’s Mother has made each married child a quilt. I loved the applique symbols that she put on the edges of the quilt, each with it’s own part to Donald and Terena’s story.

Donald and Terena both come from large families, and they meshed amazingly all day. The siblings all ate, visited, chipped in to help set up and take down, and before I left I couldn’t help but get a few shots of some of them out playing the lawn games together.

Donald and Terena, your day was beautiful and perfect! Thank you so much for inviting me in to part 1 of your wedding celebrations. You two make such a cute, strong, and peaceful team, I can’t wait to see how you take on life together! Meanwhile, I am counting down the days and am SO excited for the continuing celebration later this summer!!

Did you catch their beautiful Spring Engagement Session? Click here to go check those out!



  1. Brent Stringham says:

    Congratulation, thanks for sharing this beautiful event of your life. I look forward to the day when you have Father seal your love by the power and blessings of the Priesthood in His House. Love you all, be safe.✨

  2. Tialyn says:

    Such a sweet intimate wedding! You captured it beautifully!!!

  3. […] you remember Donald and Terena’s Backyard wedding from last year? It was a beautiful ceremony in Payson, AZ when Covid changed their original wedding plans for […]

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