101 Things in 2023

My 101 Things in 2023 list has a bit of a different story than some other years! I took a slightly different approach to writing the list this year.

Most years I start my goal planning for the next year by beginning to write my 101 Things list for the following year at the beginning of November. (New here and don’t know the 101 Things approach to goal setting? You can learn about that here!)

Not this year though.

Thea, the founder and leader of the Cowgirls Over Coffee group that I have come to absolutely LOVE this year, challenged us to hold off on the goal setting, the planning, and the new year hype through the holidays and into January.

So instead of starting to write my 101 Things in 2023 list at the beginning of November, I held off. And instead of unboxing my 2023 Power Sheets right away, I put them under my desk and worked on my focus goals for November and December, and to be present in life as it unfolded.

I finally couldn’t resist the pull any longer though and in the week before Christmas I tore into the box and dove into the Prep Work in the Power Sheets. I LOVE the prep work.

Last year I’d already written my 101 Things list before I got my PowerSheets and so my mind was already focused around those as I wrote my goals for the year. My PowerSheets ended up revolving around my 101 Things list. This year, I intentionally did my PowerSheets first.

The focus and clarity I felt by the end was was incredible! I feel excited to work on the purposes I uncovered and rediscovered in my heart. Once those were lined out into big goals, finish lines, and daily habits, I sat to write my 101 Things list.

Normally it takes from the beginning of November through the first part of January to write my full list, and it’s usually pretty random. This year it took me 15 minutes to write it! My 101 Things list items support the main goals from the PowerSheets and help me nourish the life I want.

It feels good to have a renewed sense of purpose and clarity in my goals!

So now… it’s time for my

101 Things in 2023

Nourish our Finances

  1. Reorder Redefining Rich
  2. Reread Redefining Rich
  3. Dave Ramsay for kids
  4. Log finances every week for a month
  5. Read a book about finances
  6. Listen to a finance podcast
  7. Meal plan for 4 weeks in a row
  8. Use the bike as sole transportation every day for a week
  9. Watch Budget Boot Camp again
  10. Add $1000 to Emergency Savings
  11. Use a budget tracking system
  12. Make a list of all the courses I’ve bought and have available to us

Nourish a Life Giving Home

  1. Work on the backyard every week for a month
  2. Set up the back porch
  3. Repurpose the Garden Tower
  4. Get workshop for Cameron set up
  5. Do a seasonal refresh for Spring
  6. Do a seasonal refresh for Summer
  7. Do a seasonal refresh for Autumn
  8. Do a seasonal refresh for Winter
  9. Do an evaluation of the home
  10. Do two evaluations of the home
  11. Do three evaluations of the home
  12. Do four evaluations of the home
  13. Have a no-spend month for home related items
  14. Make a home command center
  15. Make 5 playlists for various  moods in the house
  16. Fix 4 pain points in the house

Live a Radically Joyful Life

  1. Celebrate something each month
  2. Host a party
  3. Complete a creative project
  4. Have a themed dinner with the family
  5. Spend 100 hours outside
  6. Spend 250 hours outside
  7. Spend 500 hours outside
  8. Spend 750 hours outside
  9. Spend 1000 hours outside
  10. Make screen time boundaries
  11. Read 5 books as a family
  12. Plan Christmas in July

Nourish a healthy mind and body

  1. Get to 185 lbs
  2. Get to 180 lbs
  3. Get to 175 lbs
  4. Get to 170 lbs
  5. Make a Dopamenu
  6. Prep freezer meals at least once
  7. Make a healthy snack list
  8. Schedule social media breaks
  9. Turn off internet at night 5 nights in a row
  10. Turn off internet at night for 2 weeks
  11. Turn off internet at night for 1 month
  12. Spend time outside every day for 14 days in a row
  13. Write in my gratitude journal every day for a week
  14. Do a Model journal every day for a week
  15. Make a ta-da list
  16. Have a sugar/simple carb free day once a week for 4 weeks
  17. No Soda for 1 month
  18. No Soda for 2 months
  19. No sweets after 8pm for a week
  20. No sweets after 8pm for 2 weeks
  21. Finish 12 books
  22. Finish 24 books
  23. Finish 36 books

Nourish connections in the communities I am in

  1. Be active in the Cowgirls Over Coffee group every day for a week
  2. Make all the meetups in the C|C for a month
  3. Invite a friend for a walk
  4. Send 12 snail mails
  5. Send 24 snail mails
  6. Send 52 snail mails
  7. Find a way to be involved on campus
  8. Check into Our Neighbors Farm and Pantry for ways to serve and connect
  9. Host a Prickly Pear VIP get together
  10. Have a friend’s get together
  11. Have Sunday dinner with extended family 3 times

Learn to nourish and enjoy the Sabbath

  1. Have a Come Follow Me zoom discussion with extended family
  2. Make a list or basket of Sunday ideas for family
  3. Spend Saturday preparing for Sunday every Saturday for a month
  4. Make Sabbath playlists
  5. Start a Sabbath tradition with family (Fast Sunday traditions?)
  6. Have a social media fast every sunday for a month
  7. Read 1 gospel oriented book
  8. Read 5 gospel oriented books

Have the business nourish life, not consume life. 

  1. Refine automatic emails
  2. Make better workflows
  3. Make a library of evergreen content
  4. Stick to office hours every day for a week
  5. Make family magazines
  6. Send thank you cards to all clients
  7. Rewatch 1 previously purchased course
  8. Rewatch 2 previously purchased courses
  9. Rewatch 3 previously purchased courses
  10. Tidy office corner every day for a week
  11. Backup all files in a better organized system
  12. Set up Blogging system

Be a Family of Learners

  1. Do my own Inside Story Group project
  2. Keep a family reading log
  3. Make a library day
  4. Do Junior Ranger programs fully with the kids. 
  5. Do Come Follow Me as a family every day for a week
  6. Make and keep a family learning log
  7. Have 6 field trips

There you have it! My 101 Things in 2023 list, broken down to match and support my overarching goals for the year.

Also…is my word for 2023 pretty obvious? It feels right and fitting!



  1. Tesa says:

    I flippin’ LOVE this Marquette!! I’m going to do it either tomorrow night or New Years day. Such clarity & creative joy you will bring to your year and to others!

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